The Rise of Ramiah
Source: Agin's Inn
Author: Jesse Sikes Size: 77,4 MB Originally Created: 2001 Remade: December 14, 2020
Tiles used in this Quest was designed by:
  1. Ron Shirtz
    1. - Treasure Room
    2. - Dead End
    3. - Fire Bridge
    4. - Sword Room

  2. Dewayne Agin
    1. - 5 Square Wide Rooms

Questmaps in this Quest was made using Heroscribe by Derfel Link

Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Map 5 Map 6 Map 7 Map 8 Map 9 Map 10

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Requirements (in addition to the US Game System)

- Wooden Exit Door x1
- Iron Entrance Door x1
- Open Door x6
- Giant Stone Boulder x1
- Double Blocked Square x1
- Slippery Ice 1x1 x1
- Slippery Ice 1x2 x1
- Slippery Ice 1x3 x1
- Slippery Ice 2x3 x1
- Magic Ice x4
- Wall of Flame x1
- Wall of Ice x1
- Earhquake x1
- Lightning Bolt x1
- Breached Wall x2

- Treasure Room x1
- Dead End x1
- Fire Bridge x1
- NEWS Room x1
- Statues x4
- 5x8 Room Overlay x1
- Sword Room x1
- Orbs x4
- Ramiah Statue Room Tile x1

- Artifact x10
- Chaos Spell x14
- Monster x11
- High Mage Spells x6
- Necromancer Spells x6
- Orc Shaman Spells x6
- Storm Master Spells x6


- Fimir x1
- Chaos Warrior x2
- Skeleton x4
- Mummy x4
- Zombie x1
- Ogre x1
- Giant Wolf x2
- Elven Archer x2
- Elven Warrior x2
- Ice Gremlin x3
- Frozen Horror x1
- Yeti x2
- Polar Warbear x2
- Scout x4
- Halberdier x4
- Swordsman x4
- Crossbowman x4

- Alchemist's Shop